On this page you can find out more about me, of course~
Working on updates as of 2017


NAME: Rachel

ALIASES: Syren [Petz], Rikku [MMOs], Pure [MMOs] & Asra [WoW]

LOCATION: Phoenix, Arizona

YEARS IN PC: 18 (on & off over the years)

REAL PETS: Loki [3.5 years], Tifa [4 years], & Harley [7 months]

OCCUPATION: Web/eCommerce Developer

INTERESTS: Graphic & web design, gaming, sketching, urban art


TV SHOWS: X-Files, Westworld, Fringe, Supernatural, New Girl, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Futurama

MOVIES: Tomb Raider series, Indiana Jones series, The Mummy series, Underworld series, Silent Hill, Donnie Darko, The Prestige, Stardust, Fight Club, Wanted, Pan's Labyrinth & more

DISNEY MOVIE: Alice in Wonderland

COLORS: Bright ones + I love the color combo of red, white, & black

DRINKS: Chai tea


VIDEO & PC GAMES: Petz, Diablo 3, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Little Big Planet series, Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts series, SSX series, Kameo, Harvest Moon, The Sims series, The Longest Journey, Dreamfall, Okami, Alice, World of Warcraft, Folklore, & More

VIDEO GAME CHARACTER: Rikku from Final Fantasy X

PETZ BREEDS: Tabbies & Danes


I've been in the PC since 1998 or so, which first started with a geocities site of mine which I will not name for sake of embarassment, haha..which then got renamed to "Chimera" in 2000. I left the PC for a few years and came back to discover the ever-so famous forum, The Petz Board, of which I was a part of for a while. I believe on TPB I went by Rikku and then when The Petz Shiznit took TPB's place, I then went by Syren. I chose the name Syren because Rachel is so common and there was already an amazing Rachel in the PC (from Zyphire ). I love mythology and if anyone has ever played Final Fantasy VIII, I was in love with the Guardian Force "Siren" at the time~ It was unique and so I went with it!

For the most part, I mainly bred hounds for adoption on the forums since I had no clue how to hex and eventually in late 2004, I picked it up! It was always exciting to see the types of petz people could breed, or hex - I especially loved seeing others' hexing creativity! My website that I opened in 2004 became known as Nimbus and had a Harry Potter theme, lol. It wasn't open for too long due to my personal life but was fun nonetheless. Despite my love for the PC, I've come and gone over the last few years due to real life getting in the way ;). In 2006, I started working on Cheshire, this crew site, and it took forever to complete! Haha~

Anyway, I would love to open up Nimbus again, hopefully soon, but we all know how real life & responsibilities get in the way; I miss having a site and visitors...and hexing :[ So much has changed and I have yet to tinker around more with Petz Workshop! Many people have come and gone in the PC too, but hopefully I'll make some more friends & reunite with old ones ;D